Ask anyone and they can tell you 101 things about CHANGE. Some of the more common themes include: CHANGE is constant; we have to embrace CHANGE; CHANGE or become obsolete; CHANGE is inevitable, and the list goes on. One thing for sure is that CHANGE is not easy....
Assessing the Gap Articles
Reflecting on Labour Day
Does the idea of a standard 12-15 hour workday or a 60-70 hour work week (without overtime!) seem unacceptable to you? Well, that is what workers had to struggle with up to the...
Know Who You Are
Have you ever been asked the question “Who are you” or “Tell me about yourself”? It is important to KNOW the answer to these questions. This is not limited to a job interview; you need these answers for yourself. You are more than the job you are at or the one you are...
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