Year-End Check-In – January

It’s hard to believe that we’ve already reached the end of the year. Yet, we only have a few more weeks until it’s 2023. The closing of another year signifies a good time for us to check in on the progress we’ve been making toward our goals. 

In this post, we will be reviewing the first four blog posts of 2022: 

  1. The New Year: 5 Tips to Start Strong 
  2. 4 Tips to Start Planning in an Actionable Way
  3. Professional Networking: 4 Tips to Help Get Started
  4. Losing Motivation? Here are Some Things to Remember

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and see our progress. Of course, it is a good idea to go back and review each post, but this is an excellent place to start. 

1. The New Year: 5 Tips to Start Strong 

New Year planning

Just like the post says, let’s take some time to review our accomplishments.  This can be a daunting thing to think about and so it’s important to break things down. Your goals throughout the year should be an ever-evolving document and as you complete things or as circumstances change, you will have been writing that down.

But even if you haven’t been doing this, let’s start with the following three bullet points:

  • What did you write down and set to accomplish at the beginning of the year? 
  • What kind of progress are you making? 
  • What have you learned between January and now? 

Use the tips from the beginning of the year to think about and understand where you are now.

2. 4 Tips to Start Planning in an Actionable Way

Team brainstorming an action plan

Now that we have finished reflecting let’s start planning. Planning looks different for everyone, and you may have had to go through other scheduling and planning styles until you find the one that works best for you. Ask yourself the following questions and write down your answers.

  • Were your plans helpful? 
  • Now that you’re looking back, what did you learn that turned out to be a valuable skill, and what do you now know you need to avoid? 
  • Do you feel like you were able to accomplish more after creating plans, or were you overwhelmed? Why?

3. Professional Networking: 4 Tips to Help Get Started

Virtual Network Session

Whether you’re just starting or have been working for many years, networking is something that everyone struggles with. Putting yourself out there takes a lot of courage, especially if the person you’re hoping to talk to is an essential connection in your industry.

Looking back, what did you learn? 

  • What would you do differently? 
  • Did your networking skills improve? 
  • What connections did you make, and how have they helped you? 

4. Losing Motivation? Here are Some Things to Remember


Motivation can come and go. There are days when we feel like we can accomplish everything on our checklist, and then there are days when we feel like we won’t get anything done. Allowing yourself to stay in the negative mindset means you will only become more and more stuck, but finding motivation again can be challenging. 

Reminding yourself of your goals and reviewing your starting points can help clarify how to move forward.  Keep in mind as well that we are not all constantly motivated. Finding and keeping motivation is hard work.

5. Conclusion 

Every experience that we encounter is a learning opportunity. Over the course of a year, we will learn many things about ourselves, the people around us, and the goals we have set for ourselves. Reflection does not always mean criticism; instead, it is an opportunity to look back and understand our journey so far so we can continue moving forward positively.  

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.”

Earl Nightingale

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