Ask anyone and they can tell you 101 things about CHANGE. Some of the more common themes include: CHANGE is constant; we have to embrace CHANGE; CHANGE or become obsolete; CHANGE is inevitable, and the list goes on. One thing for sure is that CHANGE is not easy. As creatures of habit, once we have established a pattern of behaviour it is easier to keep going than to CHANGE – even if by continuing with the old behavior we are hurting ourselves or others.
So why is CHANGE so difficult? Well, a few things: we need a solid reason, a compelling why in order to CHANGE and make the CHANGE stick. If you’ve been through the AchieveTM model you know how this works – determine what you want to do differently, assess gaps and then set up steps to CHANGE.
CHANGE can materialize in one of two forms: by evolution (incremental, steady steps), or by revolution (radical, pivotal) CHANGE. For example, the Global Pandemic has brought about some radical CHANGES to many aspects of everyday life. Could it be that, clothed in the jarring CHANGES brought on by the pandemic, are rare opportunities to pivot in our own lives? If you have been looking to CHANGE in any area of your life, now might be a good time, while rules are being rewritten, norms being reset, and boundaries redrawn.
Let’s use this unprecedented time as our opportunity to CHANGE.
ACHIEVE’S Success By Design Mobile App is now available for Apple in the App Store and for Android in the Play Store.