Year-End Check-In – February 

It’s hard to believe that we’ve already reached the end of the year. Yet, we only have a few more weeks until it’s 2023. The closing of another year signifies a good time for us to check in on the progress we’ve been making toward our goals. 

In this post, we will be reviewing the following four blog posts for 2022: 

  1. The Arrival of Spring and Sunshine: Groundhog Day
  2. Finding Self-Love This Valentine’s Day
  3. Family, The Backbone of our Lives
  4. Decisions Made Easy: The 4 D’s of Decision Making

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and see our progress. Of course, it is a good idea to go back and review each post, but this is an excellent place to start. 

The Arrival of Spring and Sunshine: Groundhog Day

Spring - wake up

This post is a more in-depth look at finding and keeping motivation. You are in charge of your success journey. How you continue your path forward throughout the year is entirely up to you. Some things happen that are out of your control, but you are generally in charge.

However, something to keep in mind is that at the end of the day, there is no correlation between the groundhog seeing his shadow and the arrival of spring. Likewise, we tend to place a lot of weight on superficial things regarding happiness and the arrival of better days. Therefore, it is up to us to determine the trajectory of our year and whether or not spring comes early. 

Finding Self-Love This Valentine’s Day

Self-love is vital

At Achieve, we have our five pillars of success. One of those pillars is health. It is essential to remember that you will only be able to pursue your success if you take care of your health. Also, remember that pushing yourself feels good at the time because we as a society shame those who are not constantly busy. But in reality, your success journey should include breaks and things you do just for you. 

What have you been doing throughout the year to keep on top of your health? Have you been ensuring to put your well-being first?         

Family, The Backbone of our Lives

Family video call

Another of Achieve’s five pillars of success is relational. This refers to your relationships with people who matter most to you. We cannot do everything alone, and the people in our lives are vital. They support us; they hold us accountable; they push us when we need to be pushed. And keep in mind that family isn’t always blood either. 

What can you do to show your appreciation for those you consider family? What have you been doing throughout the year to keep your relationships healthy? First, it is always important to thank the people who are helping and supporting you.

Decisions Made Easy: The 4 D’s of Decision Making


Life is filled with decisions. Daily, we decide what to eat, wear, what to say to people, and which tasks to get done. It’s a lot of decisions, and sometimes it can be hard to figure out what to prioritize and what isn’t worth spending time on. One of the easiest ways to remedy this is to remember the 4 D’s. Do, Defer, Delegate and Delete. Remembering the 4 D’s can help you categorize and prioritize when you are stuck on a particular decision. Keep in mind decisions are not final. You can change a decision you have made based on new information that has presented itself to you. 

How have you changed the way you make your decisions throughout the year? It is essential to remember that you can’t say yes to everything and everyone has their limits on the number of commitments they can take on. Have you been keeping this in mind? Has this made your ability to plan easier or harder? 


Every experience that we encounter is a learning opportunity. Over a year, we will learn many things about ourselves, the people around us, and the goals we have set for ourselves. Reflection does not always mean criticism; instead, it is an opportunity to look back and understand our journey so far so we can continue moving forward positively.  

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” 

— Anthony J. D’Angelo

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