The Importance and Value of Play in our Lives

As a society, we value and measure success by our productivity. In other words: How much we can do in a day? If we find space in our schedule, we will add more in. Are we putting enough value on ourselves and what we need? In the book, The Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown, listed among many factors, Play and Rest were stated as important to living a wholehearted life.

When we hear the word “Play”, we may think of board games, sports, or game nights. Are the games we play with our family and friends, fun for us? If we’re not enjoying ourselves then it is not truly “Play”. However, Play is the opposite of how most ambitious people live their lives: they usually feel that everything must have a specific objective, time must be measured, and they are usually concerned with how they will appear to others. So, Play is written off as childish and unnecessary.

Stuart Brown, author of Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul, says that Play isn’t a luxury. It’s actually a necessity if we want to operate to our full potential.

“The opposite of play is not work—the opposite of play is depression”

Stuart Brown

Therefore the more that Play disappears from our life, the closer we move towards a state of depression.

Let’s determine what our PLAY is by asking ourselves these questions:

  1. Are we doing it just because it’s fun?
  2. Can we spend hours doing it?
  3. Are we concerned about how we are viewed when we are doing it?

Reading, hiking, photography, painting, writing, knitting, gaming could all be considered Play. Remember: Play is whatever you love doing; no matter what others think.

Now that we understand the value of Play, what can we do to add more Play into our day and prioritize our well-being? In the comment box below, tell us how you PLAY ?

Looking for more balance in life? Our Success By Design program will give you the confidence to go after your success!

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  1. Audrey

    Hiking, camping, writing and dancing are my ultimate play states! I could play all day…

  2. Marleen Peart

    walking and singing

  3. Marleen Peart

    I love writing as well as singing

  4. Jigna Fadia

    Nature and mountains

  5. Shantelle Johnson

    i love walking, dancing, writing and singing

  6. Palmonia Gordon

    I love meeting people, travelling and walking by the beach.


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