Resisting Overload 

Over the past few weeks, we have focused on leadership, resiliency and vulnerability. All this, in addition to navigating the twists and turns of 2020! As our very long “March Break” comes to an end and we head into September’s structure and schedules, let us take some time to pause reflect, digest and incorporate all we have learned.   

We know that learning requires active engagement, absorption and practice. With so many things tugging at us and constantly demanding our attention, we must resist OVERLOAD, both information and activity.  

We at Achieve know this all too well. We fall into these traps just like you – but we quickly catch ourselves and course correct. This is why we teach excellence not perfection. Our encouragement to you this week, is to go back and identify 1 – 2 things from the last few topics and commit to implementing them. Try creating reminders and micro-habits to help them stick. 

Resisting OVERLOAD means choosing not only what to do; but also, what NOT to do. It’s working smarter not harder and being selective about where we will put our energy. Remembering that we are a finite source of energy and we must take time to replenish and recharge or risk OVERLOAD

ACHIEVE’S Success By Design Mobile App is now available for Apple in the App Store and for Android in the Play Store.

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