Our values define what is most important to us, it affects every element of our lives and determines our happiness. Our personal values are our core principles and usually operate subconsciously in our minds as we make decisions. It is our own internal guidance system, think of it as our own personal GPS.
Whenever we are operating outside our values or not in alignment with our internal compass, things just don’t seem right. When decisions are made that match our personal values then we feel happy and content. It is possible to complete our goals without using our values, but true success and fulfillment will not be attained if our values are not aligned with our goals. This is why it is important for us to identify our top values.
Identifying our values is vital as it helps us to focus on what really matters to us. Once they have been identified, we can use them when making decisions. This will ensure that we are aligned with our core principles and help us to live in balance.
EXAMPLE: If our top value is family, working 80 hour weeks will not allow us to spend quality time with the family members and will stress us out as we are not living the way we believe we should be.
Making decisions based on our values will make the right decision clearer and help us live a more content and successful life.
PRO TIP: Knowing our least important values can also help steer us away from the wrong choice.
my Top core values are:-
1. Balance
2. Spirituality
3. Family
4. Integrity
5. Fun
My top values are:
1. Community
2. Freedom
3. Creativity
4. Relationships
5. Legacy