
From being a child’s first caregiver, friend, teacher, nurse, therapist, and support system, she is a one-stop solution for the best insights on life. A MOTHER has a heart that knows giving more than taking.

This MOTHER’S Day will be different due to our current situation. However, the focus should be the same; ensuring our MOMS feel celebrated and loved, even from afar.

We need to realize that our MOMS may need our support during these times. Let’s take this opportunity to thank our MOTHERS for being there for us.  Time is the most precious gift we can give to someone, let’s gift our MOMS with our time this MOTHER’S Day.

This Sunday, take the time to really connect with your MOTHER and let her share her heart. She’s always been there for you, now it’s time for you to be there for her, without her asking.

We wish all the MOTHERS, GRANDMOTHERS, aunts, sisters, and those who have stepped into the role of MOTHER, a day filled with love.

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