Losing Motivation? Here are Some Things to Remember

This year feels uniquely difficult to get excited about. It’s all starting to feel like the same old, same old, and the January blues are hitting particularly hard. Finding the momentum and motivation that we may have had at the end of last year, or even just the momentum we need to reach our goals for this year, will take some extra pushing on our parts. 

You can absolutely accomplish everything that you’ve set out for yourself. Maybe it’s not your weekend, but it’s gonna be your year: just because right now seems bleak, that doesn’t mean that every day moving forward will feel like this. You can overcome this. Every day is a new one and is ripe with opportunity. But how?

Survival Mode

Let’s start with where we are currently: survival mode. If you are in Canada, we are once again in lockdown, it’s cold outside, and the sun sets so early in the day. This may be the point in the year when you’re wondering why humans can’t just hibernate like bears. It would certainly make planning easier, and we could all do with a little more sleep. Yet, there is more to life than this. Survival mode is mentally and motivationally draining and will take a toll on our overall health. We need to start taking steps to gain control again. 

Word of the Year

Start by reminding yourself of your Word of the Year. Post it anywhere and everywhere. When you’re lacking in motivation, think of your word of the year. Why did you pick it? This word means something to you, and sometimes you just need to take the time to sit and think. Let this word and what it means to you surround you. This word encompasses your goals for the year. It is your first step forward.

Your Why

Next, remember your “why”. Why do you want to do what you’re doing? What kind of impact are you going to make? Your why is your motivation. It’s what started you on this journey in the first place and will help you see clearly as you continue forward. Think of the people who will flourish because of you and your actions. Think of how you will flourish. Deep down, we all have a reason for doing what we’re doing. Think of that now. 

Your Best Life

Finally, what does your best life look like? Your word and your why all lead to one thing: your best life. Let it motivate you, inspire you, and help you take that next step forward. This is the bigger picture that may have given you pause to begin with. Thinking of all the things you need to do to reach your goal can lead to a lack of motivation. However, only think of a snapshot of what your best life looks like. Allow yourself to dream.

You can and will succeed, just as time continues to march on, so will we. 

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

Zig Ziglar

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