Invest in Yourself: 4 Ways to Avoid Burnout

What does investing in yourself mean?

Success isn’t just important in your career but in all aspects of life. Many times we tend to lose focus of our own well-being since we have been hard-wired to find success in other areas of our lives. Remember- You can’t give from an empty bucket. 

Imagine a car with a flat tire. Yes, 3 of the tires work perfectly fine. You still can’t really drive your car. Even if you could, the ride will be arduous and bumpy and you will do more damage to your car. 

Investing in your well-being is vital. Having goals in all 5 Holistic Areas (Spiritual, Wellness, Relational, Career and Financial) and taking intentional action toward them will ensure you find the success and happiness you are looking for. Sadly, the Wellness area is one area that tends to get neglected or first to be sacrificed. Here are a few ways to invest in your wellness with little effort.

1. Take Breaks

Taking breaks is one of the best ways to do this. You don’t have unlimited energy and brain capacity. Working yourself to the bone will actually hurt you more than help you. Try to schedule breaks into your day. Know that a break is not an excuse to get other work done, but an actual mental and physical rest. Doing this will help you get more done because you will feel refreshed and will be able to focus better.

2. Give Back to Yourself

Investing in yourself also means giving back to yourself. Putting yourself last will not do you well in the long run and could affect success in other areas. Giving back to yourself can be as simple as ensuring you are getting enough sleep, taking the time to listen to a podcast that will help you grow personally or professionally, or treating yourself to a Mani/Pedi! You are allowed to reward yourself when you accomplish something. Feel proud of yourself, and most importantly prioritize your own needs. 

3. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a huge component of investing in yourself. We all have limits. Identifying them and then reinforcing them with others does not make you a bad person. Telling someone that you cannot do the task they’ve asked if you can do, or telling people that you don’t have time to take on more responsibility does not make you a bad person. Minimizing the number of tasks that you give yourself per day does not make you a bad person. Needing to find compromises in other people’s expectations of you or just straight up saying “no”, does not make you a bad person. 

4. Ask For Help

You should never feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. You are not a failure for recognizing the limits of your abilities or knowledge. You have a tribe of people around you who love you and are invested in your success. Do not be afraid to reach out, let them help you.

Self-care is not selfish. 

 “Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.”

— Robin Sharma

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